Monday, June 4, 2012

Romanticism Dragonfly (Insecta Ordo Odonata)

TURN dragonfly world know romance. Even insects that enter the class Insecta Order Odonata has a romanticism that is the envy of us all. Dragonflies are also classified generally loyal animals.

Like a new bride, to any female dragonfly fly dragonfly's where males mate to follow. Moreover, at a time when the female contains the results of their marriage.

When a female dragonfly about to lay their eggs, then it is a very dangerous time for the salvation of his soul. When concentrated to remove the eggs, he could lose his vigilance and become easy targets of predators, a kind of bird or fish out of the water after him.

This is where the role of male dragonflies protection by flying over it, so if there is a predator who preyed on, then she was the female dragonflies eat instead. Really love genuine affection and self-sacrifice. It is still difficult to disentangle and demonstrated how the lovebirds love and sacrifice of bulls that provides her to eat predators.
Insects are unique, interesting and perhaps lately children do not know yet, because the child's world is now filled with all the things that are more modern.

These insects are rarely far from the water, where they spawn and spend the pre-adult children. When this situation is increasingly difficult to find especially in urban areas and areas prone to pollution.

Dragonflies and dragonfly needle widespread in forests, gardens, fields, rivers and lakes, to the yard, and the urban environment. Dragonflies needle is usually only found near waterways and prefer to take shelter behind a leaf


  1. mosok seng lanang mung tunggu endog?
    nggolek nggolek opo kek, snake opo susu nggo nyusoni anake

    1. nah....? bagus,
      pertanyaan anda bagus sekali
      "tapi maap saya juga g tau.....!!!"

  2. please give your suggestions and comments on my blog.
    if any input, I would like to thank to you ...?
