Friday, January 11, 2013

Water Bears Is Real

Do you know what that bear water???Water bears are very small and live in water, with the legs of eight. Tardigrades also called water bears, and has been described by Erphaim Goeze in 1773.How do you think the bear form water?

of course not: 0if this picture I took of the water sea attact episode "Spongebob Squarepant"

The shape is like this ....

Tardigrades name itself means "slow walker". Tardigrades adult body length is 1.5 mm, the smallest 0.1 mm in size, measuring just 0.05 mm larvae.Tardigrades can be found in all parts of the world, ranging from Himalayan peaks to the ocean floor, and from the poles to the equator. The most favored place berganggang. On the coast, the land and in the water these animals can be found.The most interesting of these animals is the ability to adapt in a very extreme. Tardigrades or water bears can survive in a freezing (0oC) to high temperatures in a (151oc).It can even withstand the radiation 1,000 times higher than the amount of radiation in which other living things to survive. Therefore, the animal known as tardigrades polyextremeophiles.With these capabilities, tardigrades is a living creature that can survive in the event of nuclear war or natural disaster most extreme. Even tardigrades can live for 120 years in very dry conditions.
Not only that unique ability, others are unique ability to survive in the vacuum space. In one study tardigrades can live for 10 days in space.Tardigrades can survive in the vacuum state, exposure to cosmic rays, and can even withstand the sun's UV radiation is 1000 times higher than the radiation at the earth's surface.Another thing that makes this animal as an animal in the world is the toughest skill to survive in the midst of extreme conditions. Tardigrades can go through "phases coma" like anoksibiosis and kriptobiosis. Anoksibiosis is done Tardigrades phase that live on land when conditions in the surrounding full of water. In this phase, Tardigrades will pump him up like a balloon so he could float in the water for several days. Once the environmental conditions in the vicinity had already dried up, they go back to the normal phase and move as usual."Phase coma" more is more admirable than Tardigradaes kriptobiosis phase. This phase is carried out when conditions become unfavorable environment such as the surrounding environment is too dry, increased levels of toxins in the vicinity, or when the temperature in the environment is too high or too low. While doing this phase, Tardigrades will pull his foot in, scrunching up her body measuring only 1/3 its original size, and then coat the skin with a sort of wax material. In this phase, your metabolism can Tardigrades plummeted to barely be detected again by the equipment man, while the water content in the body decreases to less than 1%. Once the conditions around him returns the favor, like anoksibiosis - Tardigrades will return as usual. Tardigrades also need time to get back to the normal phase, depending on how long he did kriptobiosis.

Ability Tardigrades during kriptobiosis phase is a topic that has become the focus of many scientists in the world. They can go through phases kriptobiosis without food and water until a very long period of time. Some species are known to Tardigrades through phases kriptobiosis up period of 10 years in a dry environment, even for longer than normal life span itself. This great little animals can only live a few minutes after the "rose from the grave", and died

1 comment:

  1. Do you study tardigrades or just interested in them?
    i am curious because i study them.
