Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Birgus Latro the Giant Hermit Crab

Indonesia did in fact have an extremely diverse fauna. But with a lack of awareness of the people some of which are threatened with extinction, these animals salahsatunya is the name is less well known. 

This animal is also called in English "terrestrial hermit crab" (hermit crab land) because the use of the conch shell by young crabs, but there are also other land crabs are not stripped keongnya skin as an adult. This animal is the only one of the genus Birgus. The genus is still very close to the genus Coenobita, hence the term "terrestrial hermit crab" usually refers to members of the family Coenobitidae.

Canary crabs (Birgus latro) or local people used to call the Coconut Crab which is one of the outer shells of animals in the world. These animals can be found in Sulawesi or Maluku (Indonesia). These animals used to live on the coast, but there are also living in the area is quite far from the beach. 

Local people use the name Coconut Crab habit these animals who like to climb a coconut tree and its fruit make a main meal. Crabs are very adept at climbing a coconut tree. Pointy toe that can be used as a hand to hold palm trunks.

Once up the tree, it will drop the coconut animals. And he would go down to peel coconuts with strong claws. After that, the animals will be brought again to the top of the coconut tree. Then the oil was dropped again until broken so he could eat the fruit. Weight of the animal can reach 3-6 pounds with a body length of up to 40 cm. Birgus latro males typically have a larger body size than females. Age animals can reach 30-60 years. 

Birgus latro was already a pretty rare beast. Even animals have also been protected by law. However, due to lack of awareness, many people are still hunting for consumption. Usually if you want to be fine dining, is 10 years old or more because of his size is considered large enough for consumption. Just imagine these animals need to survive for 10 years and only used as food by humans who catch it. 

Although communities called coconut crabs, the actual animal is not in the category of crab. Because these animals enter the type of crab that is very advanced in evolution. Although Birgus latro is a derived type of hermit crab, only the young who use the conch shell to protect a soft belly, and sometimes adult animals using coconut shells to protect his stomach ruptured. adult coconut crabs are not carrying the conch shell, but hardened their belly shield with a pile of chitin and chalk. 

They also bend their head to protect it, like many true crabs. Stomach hardened to protect the crabs walnuts and reduce water loss on land, but the skin on the body must be replaced periodically. Substitution skin lasts for 30 days, during which the animal body is soft and brittle, and she would hide in the crack rocks for shelter. Even in the kind of hermit, people already knew him as a crab.

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